Articles tagged ‘Oni Studio’

Sexy shot

I call it Double Exposure. A repeat business. A customer that comes back for more.

There are many reason why a woman would want more than just one photo session in her life. Usually it’s to celebrate a milestone, something to remember. I’ve had clients that came back after they lost weight, changed their looks, or changed a boyfriend ; ) . Some come in before, during and after pregnancy. Others, love their experience so much and get so inspired, that they book a session just to pamper themselves.

When Sarah called me up and wanted to make an appointment for a Boudoir Photo shoot I was not at all surprised. What made her experience a bit different from others is that her first session was more than two years ago, when she just turned eighteen. The two shoots could not be more different from one another. Not only did Sarah change and mature, but Oni Studio did as well. Two years brought an unrecognizable change in our quality, knowledge and experience. But enough about us. Let’s let Sarah tell her story.

Sarah's first shoot two years ago at Oni StudioMy first experience at Oni Studio was two years ago, I was eighteen then and very nervous and shy. I was introduced to Victoria when my friend brought me along to her shoot, and instantly after it was done I was ready to book my own.

Bird on a wire
When I got to the shoot I had no idea what to do, but Victoria helped pick each outfit and made me feel comfortable. During each shoot she told me how to pose and definitely knew what she was doing. I brought the friend who’s shoot I went to, I did feel a little uncomfortable doing the lingerie shoots in front of her, but I got over that as soon as Victoria started shooting. Back then her shoots were very inexpensive, for a CD with 15 pictures on it, and that’s it. Two years later and WOW things have changed! Victoria has gotten way more popular, and has more experience under her belt. Prices have gone up, but it is well worth the money.
When I arrived Victoria went right to work looking at my outfits and planning the shoot. Then I sat down and got pampered by Ashley from Make-Up Your Mind, who did my makeup and hair.
The face of Beauty
The sets are more diverse now. Before it was a little room with a back drop, and now there is a whole house to play with. We were on a set of mirrors, on a desk, then to some stairs, on to a bed, and lastly outside onto a motorcycle I had brought over. Victoria made me feel so comfortable and relaxed that I didn’t have time to think about the fact I wasn’t wearing much in some of the shots. And I love the difference of the photos from two years ago to today. The first shots almost look like high school pictures, cute maybe a little sexy, but the ones from this year are….holly cow is that me?! I’m hot!, and usually I never say those kinds of things about myself.
Sexy shots by Oni Studio
Just by this one shoot with Victoria, I have gained so much confidence about my self that I used to never have. And I am now looking to branch out on modeling. Hopefully I will get to work with Victoria again. She is wonderful, and can make you laugh when your starting to feel uncomfortable. I think everyone should have this experience.
~Sarah G.

That’s all for now, remember ladies if you are interested in a shoot act quick because we are moving to Poulsbo after the New Year! Keep up with our latest work by becoming a fan on our Facebook page, we are also on Pinterest, Model Mayhem, and 500Px!

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    Shades of Grey

    Written on September 2, 2012 Categories: Washington Boudoir

    A good friend of mine told me about this book “Fifty Shades of Grey” by E. L. James. She said it was right up my alley. I checked the book out right away. Wow! Bondage, sex and all the taboo subjects and it’s a #1 seller?!?!? Just goes to show you that sex does sell, and we all have that naughty side that needs to be unleashed once in a while.

    After reading just few chapters I got inspired. This is my light interpretation of the story that captured imaginations of so many around the world. Hope you enjoy!


    “I am going to have coffee with Christian Grey… and I hate coffee.” ― E.L. JamesFifty Shades of Grey

    I don’t know why she is complaining. With Christian I would have coffee anytime of the day… or anything else he wanted.

    “Men aren’t really complicated, Ana, honey. They are very simple, literal creatures. They usually mean what they say. And we spend hours trying to analyze what they’ve said – when really it’s obvious. If I were you, I’d take him literally. That might help.”  ― E.L. JamesFifty Shades of Grey

    After doing some more research I found out that there are many books out there similar to 50 Shades of Grey. Some of them I read and can vouch for. Other’s were a news to me. If you read 50 Shades of Grey and craving more here is what recommends:

    Carrie’s Story: An Erotic S/M Novel by Molly Weatherfield

    Story of O by Pauline Reage

     Nine and a Half Weeks: A Memoir of a Love Affair by Elizabeth McNeill

    Gordon: A Novel by Edith Templeton

    The Sleeping Beauty Novels: The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty / Beauty’s Release / Beauty’s Punishment by A. N. Roquelaure

    The Surrender: An Erotic Memoir by Toni Bentley

    Now, I don’t want to say that this kind of experience is for everyone, but just to put it out there… At Oni Studio, there are no judgments or taboos.

    We mean what we say: “Making all your photographic fantasies come true!”

    If you are left craving more check out their FaceBook page.

    And to keep up with our new projects, ideas and fun photo shoots become a fan on our Facebook page!

     We are also on TwitterPinterest and Google Plus!

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      Make up your mind {Washington Boudoir}

      Written on August 19, 2012 Categories: Washington Boudoir

      Recently I did a boudoir photo shoot with a very dear friend of mine and Oni Studio makeup artist, Ashley from MakeUp Your Mind. It only took her two years to finally get enough courage to do it, but after the photo shoot she was so excited about it and pleased with her photos she wanted to tell her story.

      I have been working with Oni Studio for almost 2 years now, and I can’t tell you how many people come in so nervous about their boudoir shoot and leave so happy and confident about themselves. To see that transformation is one of many reasons that I love working with Oni Studio. However, upon meeting so many clients, the most common question I get, besides, “Can you come over and do my makeup every morning?” is “Have you ever done this type of shoot before?”

      Up until a few weeks ago, I couldn’t give an opinion based on my own experience, which is totally different than an opinion of one just observing. So after several people telling me I should try it out, my husband leaving for deployment in May and the real root of it… not feeling very confident with myself and how I looked, I gave in. It took me two years to finally strip down to my unmentionables and let Victoria (figuratively) have her way with me.

      Yes, I was a little nervous because I’m not a size 2, or a size 12 for that matter, and I’ve got stretch marks galore after pregnancy. Victoria listened to what I liked and didn’t like about myself, and was able to enhance and pull out my inner beauty and what I was wanting to portray in my pictures.They turned out beautiful and my husband couldn’t be happier! So, it’s important for me to say, just be confident in who you are no matter your size or insecurities.You will leave Oni Studios feeling like a whole new person!

      Until our next blog entry, keep up with our new projects, ideas and fun photo shoots by becoming a fan on our Facebook page!

       We are also on TwitterPinterest and Google Plus!

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        Legends and fairy tales. The appeal to this genre may seem strange to some, but for me this has been a theme I’ve visited many times with my art and photography. For me fairytales hold appeal because they represent a break from the hum-drum many of us experience with our daily lives. When we were young fairytales seemed to be within easy reach and becoming a princess or astronaut seemed as sure as our morning cereal. As we get older the reality sits in and those childhood dreams seem about as possible as pole vaulting to the moon. This is why I always seek to break away from traditional photography and use different techniques and products that will give my clients a piece of fairytale they can have forever. 

        I draw inspiration for my fairytale images from many different places. The largest being the work of other great artist such as Natalie Shau in Lithuania, Dorian Cleavenger in Pennsylvania, Lindsay Adler, (with whom I just finished a very awesome class over at creativeLIVE) and many more I’d love to list, but don’t think I’d have the room!

        Another reason for fairytale type photography was to set ourselves apart. When we first started Oni Studio we had no idea how many of other photographers there were in the area, and how much competition there was in this industry. Although at that time we were so amateur we couldn’t really call ourselves competition, lol! Once we really got to looking, we found seven other photographers in five mile radius of us. Many of these photographers had been in business for quite a while, were very established and producing very good quality images. It was an intimidating prospect and for a long time we just practiced with our camera trying to see if this was something we really wanted to get heavily invested in. We realized very early in the game that if we wanted to stand out amongst our peers and become successful in the photography industry we would have to produce not only high quality images, but images that would instantly be recognized as our style.  Since I had always been interested in dark fantasy and fairytales I wanted to incorporate it into my photography.  I want people to look at a photograph and right away recognize it and say, “that’s Oni Studio’s work!”.

        One of the things I have always been interested in is incorporating fantastic props into our pictures. I didn’t want it to come across as tacky or gimmicky, I wanted the props to add to the image, not be the focus of it, and this is always tricky to pull off. One day while I was browsing Etsy I came across a seller named “Posh Fairytale Couture”, which featured some of the most beautiful photo props I have ever seen. I spent about thirty minutes on her page just in awe of her work. After talking with Rachel, the owner of the company, I discovered she was not only a talented creator, but a very beautiful and nice person, and she was also a military spouse like me!  I cannot recommend Rachel and her company enough. When I was buying the props from her she kept me updated throughout the construction and sent me instragrams of my head dress. Now I know where I’m getting my props from for the next couple of years!

        It’s strange, but during the edit the piece began looking familiar to me, and then I realized what I was doing, making it look like “Lily” from the movie “Legend”, (at least subconsciously). I’m sure many of you have never seen this 1986 sleeper film starring Tom Cruise and directed by Ridley Scott, but if you have kids or you like fantasy film it’s a great one to pick up.

        The inspiration for this piece were mighty warriors and sci-fi fiction movies. Gold is a very rich decadent color it says power, fame, ambition. I love how the black tones set off the golds! The skull is painted gold as a symbol of strength in humanity, our dominion over animals and respect to them for being a food source. I love to use recycled items in my pieces. It’s a re-birth of what used to be. -Posh Fairytale Couture

        The last, (and maybe most exciting!) bit we would like to share with you is the publication of one of my favorite images I did in Essere Magazine! Although the image is one of our older ones it’s still one of my favorites.

        Keep up with our new projects, ideas and fun photo shoots by becoming a fan on our Facebook page.

         We are also on TwitterPinterest and Google Plus!


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