Articles tagged ‘Navy Exchange’

Make up your mind {Washington Boudoir}

Written on August 19, 2012 Categories: Washington Boudoir

Recently I did a boudoir photo shoot with a very dear friend of mine and Oni Studio makeup artist, Ashley from MakeUp Your Mind. It only took her two years to finally get enough courage to do it, but after the photo shoot she was so excited about it and pleased with her photos she wanted to tell her story.

I have been working with Oni Studio for almost 2 years now, and I can’t tell you how many people come in so nervous about their boudoir shoot and leave so happy and confident about themselves. To see that transformation is one of many reasons that I love working with Oni Studio. However, upon meeting so many clients, the most common question I get, besides, “Can you come over and do my makeup every morning?” is “Have you ever done this type of shoot before?”

Up until a few weeks ago, I couldn’t give an opinion based on my own experience, which is totally different than an opinion of one just observing. So after several people telling me I should try it out, my husband leaving for deployment in May and the real root of it… not feeling very confident with myself and how I looked, I gave in. It took me two years to finally strip down to my unmentionables and let Victoria (figuratively) have her way with me.

Yes, I was a little nervous because I’m not a size 2, or a size 12 for that matter, and I’ve got stretch marks galore after pregnancy. Victoria listened to what I liked and didn’t like about myself, and was able to enhance and pull out my inner beauty and what I was wanting to portray in my pictures.They turned out beautiful and my husband couldn’t be happier! So, it’s important for me to say, just be confident in who you are no matter your size or insecurities.You will leave Oni Studios feeling like a whole new person!

Until our next blog entry, keep up with our new projects, ideas and fun photo shoots by becoming a fan on our Facebook page!

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    As with any skill once you learn the basics you start to build upon them, expand your visions and try new things.  We believe that in business as well as life you have a have variety and always seek to expand and improve in every en devour. =)

    After my recent surgery I had a lot of down time to research new photography techniques, and one of the styles I hadn’t tried yet, but thought was very interesting, is bodyscapes. This technique, sometimes referred to as low key lighting, is something I’ve been very enthusiastic about lately and hadn’t explored very much before since I was restricted equipment wise. However, after we splurged a bit at B&H Photo I’ve been delving into this type of photography with a vengeance!

    While doing research for this new shooting technique I was contacted by Crystal, who was a prospective client for a wedding shoot (yes I do WEDDINGS!), and during our conversation she mentioned Vantel Pearls, a company she worked for. For those of you who are new readers of our blog, what I do every now and then is highlight a woman owned business, or feature a woman in what would be considered a nontraditional role, to support strong women in our community. So when Crystal and I talked I knew right away how to showcase those beautiful pieces of jewelry. Each pearl is unique and no two strands are exactly the same. Pearls are a timeless classic that should complete every woman’s jewelry box, and Crystal can definitely help you out with that.

    I didn’t always appreciate the beauty of a pearl. Not until I started working for a NEX jewelry department and learned more about them and different styles and settings. When Crystal showed me some of the inventory she had on hand and a catalog from the company I was pleasantly surprised. There are so many modern unique pieces to choose from to match any taste and occasion. But don’t take my word for it. Book a home party with Crystal and let her blow your mind!

    Hi! My name is Crystal Hetzer. I joined Vantel Pearls in 2007 and the company has given me the opportunity to have a home ran business, still work full time and going to college online full time. I thought about getting into a home business for a while to help with the bills, but I’m not into make-up or expensive clothes, but I do love jewelry. The best thing about pearls is that they are great for every occasion and all the different styles they come in are fantastic!

    The one thing I love about doing home parties is that the customer never knows what color, or how big of pearl they are going to get when they pick the oyster. Vantel Pearls has made it easier for customers, in the way that they don’t have to open an oyster if they don’t want and they can order the product with either a white or black pearl. The company focuses on the customer, like other businesses, the hostess gets items at discounts but I feel that Vantel Pearls gives a wide variety of items to choice from to use the discounts on. Also the company is reaching out to customers in different ways. For example, online with demonstrator personal websites, facebook and other media outlets. Every Thursday on facebook they put at least one item up at a deep discount for customers.

    Vantel Pearls is committed to the idea of leaving the world a better place, and truly believes that every individual does make a difference. Each time you make a purchase, Vantel Pearls donates a percentage of sales to agencies that provide shelter, counseling and education to families in need.

    Vantel Pearls often gets involved with their local schools or other adolescent organizations to talk about bullying and how it relates to a pearl. I believe that this can be directed to not only adolescents but to every person that choses to wear a pearl. “Inside every oyster, there is at least one pearl.  A pearl is formed when an oyster defends against a grain of sand or foreign particle.  The oyster secretes layers and layers of nacre or mother-of-pearl around the irritant.   When we have a challenge, how many of us, as oysters do, find the gift in it-actually turn it into something positive?”

    ~Crystal Hetzer, Independent Vantel Pearls™ Demonstrator


    During this photo shoot I tried few different lighting set ups using primarily a strip light. I searched through my trusted “Lighting the Nude: Top Photography Professionals Share Their Secrets” book a number of times for reference and inspiration. I definitely need more practice, but for the first try I am pleased with the result.

    What do you think?

    Keep up with our new projects, ideas and fun photo shoots by becoming a fan on our Facebook page.

     We are also on TwitterPinterest and Google Plus!


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      Veronica and I met as mutual co-workers on Whidbey Island. She was always interested in doing a shoot and we’ve talked about different ideas and outfits. At the time she was pregnant with her son and after his birth moved out of state while her husband went on deployment. For months she worked hard to get her body back and kept in touch with me about her progress.

      Now that Veronica is back in Oak Harbor we got a chance to set up her appointment for a Glamour — Boudoir shoot and show off her post-baby curves. She said that she was nervous, but I think she did a wonderful job and we hope to see more of her in the studio!



      Here is what Veronica had to say about her shoot with us:

      “My first Shoot with Oni Studio was in one word AMAZING. I honestly went into the shoot so nervous and scared thinking that I wouldn’t be “good” enough. I was worried that I didn’t have the right look. Within a matter of minutes, Victoria made me feel at ease and comfortable. This was the first time I have “put” myself out there and that thought alone was nerve racking. But Victoria eased me into feeling comfortable with her and with myself.”

      Honestly the hardest thing to do was to pose in positions and to share the camera with their cat… HE is a camera whore. HAHA excuse my French. haha.

      But on a serious note, I had a wonderful time, and I am so pleased with how my photos turned out and I cannot wait until I do another shoot with them. Thank you guys so much for making me feel and look wonderful.”

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