Crossfit cutey
This weeks entry stars a brand new model. Her name is Amber, and if you are a photographer in the San Diego area you need to shoot with her.
Yes, you heard me right, Amber has never done a professional photoshoot before. Shooting with a new model has its advantages and disadvantages. I love shooting with new models because many times they havent yet reached that diva stage where the ego takes over and the art aspect of the shoot is still foremost in their minds. On the other hand, many new models are still unsure of themselves in front of the camera and haven’t yet learned to free flow pose. You take the good with the bad and work with what you got.
Amber had her poses pretty much down and five minutes after arriving on set, she was ready to go.
Besides getting to practice lighting techniques, my favorite aspect of shoot is getting to talk with new people. Amber brought up a very cool subject. Obviously she’s into fitness, but not just any old fitness, she’s into crossfit!
Now I have never done crossfit, but I have plenty of friends that do. Without exception they all look like they just walked off the set of 300. This style of fitness also has its critics, but I dont know why anyone would get angry over people trying to improve their bodies, regardless of the manner of doing it. Well except for steroid users!
Amber and I have a very similar diet as well. Except she probably cheats a lot less than I do. But basically eat lean, eat several small meals a day, plenty of water, and stay away from bread Simple!
For the studio lighting I went with an alienbee beauty dish, lit the background with an Einstein E640 with a red gel, and filled in the shadow with a photoflex strip.
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