Rhinestone Cowgirl

Written on March 1, 2014 Categories: San Diego Boudoir

Rhinestone Cowgirl

Sexy Rhinestone cowgirl pinup model pose

Introducing Eva. She’s a gorgeous model and burlesque dancer here in San Diego.

Sexy outdoor portrait of the Rhinestone Cowgirl

We originally met at the face of Temptress Fashion event over in Ocean Beach. I know I pimp their store a lot but i’ve met so many interesting people there. Also, the clothes they sell make for some absolutely great photos.

Sexy pinup rhinestone girl

Back to Eva. I didn’t coordinate the shoot like a usually do. I do that through Model Mayhem. In fact both my last shoots have been coordinated solely through facebook.

Sexy Rhinestone red head portrait shot

Sexy rhinestone piercing stare

In my opinion this is a superior method of coordinating. Model Mayhem has always gave me some serious heartburn. Most people only check their accounts every few days. This makes communication unreliable and sporadic. Its also anonymous. Anyone can make a profile. This is not safe for the model and photographer alike. What burns me up the new models. You seriously want to try and charge people when your portfolio looks like it was taken by pervo photographers and an Iphone? Idiots!

Sexy surprised horror rhinestone model

If you’re a photographers who’s giving these models money do everyone a favor and stop. Ok, i’ll get off my soapbox now, promise!

Gorgeous sexy B&W rhinestone burlesque model

Back to Eva. Sorry to say ladies and gentleman she is taken! I’ll give you a second to digest this terrible news.

Sexy pinup burlesque pose

Have you all ever heard of burlesque dancing? Well thats what Eva does. I got the privilege of watching her dance at the Temptress event.

Sexy rhinestone model pinup burlesque comp

Eva and some of her fellow models are excellent dancers. Before you get dirty minded its not stripping. Although the dances they do have some erotic overtones its still classy.

Sexy Rhinestone playboy bunny

Eva dances for the Drop Dead Dames Burlesque Revue. They have a host of lovely ladies that dance for them. If i’m lucky you’ll see them here at Oni Studio. Check out Eva dancing at one of their events.

If you have a quick minute become a fan of the Drop Dead Dames facebook page!

Eva dancing at the apocalypse

I’ll leave you with one of those odd moments that sometimes happen on a shoot. While we were in the parking lot a guy pulled up who knew Eva. He was carrying a pie and I asked him to present it to her. I gave no further instructions, and this is what happened. I was laughing my ass off but managed to get a decent shot.

I dont want your bacon pie mother fucker.

That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on 500PX, and Model Mayhem!

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    Retro Android Glamour

    Written on February 23, 2014 Categories: San Diego Boudoir

    Retro Android Glamour

    Classy vintage retro model

    She closed the door to her cabin. The ship lazily rocked back and forth.

    Retro classic shot

    Her outfit for the evening lay out on the chair. For now she decided to lounge about in her underwear.

    Retro boudoir glamour water fountain

    She made a Bloody Mary and turned on the old tube radio. A new band calling itself “Pink Floyd” softly entered the atmosphere.

    Gorgeous retro 1960s Bond girl

    She finished the drink and opened a silver cigarette case. She put one in her mouth and two hits of blotter underneath her tongue.

    Sexy retro pinup

    She’d need the effect of the blotter for her mission. She hoped Lucifer Sam would be playing then too.

    Retro portrait burlesque head shot

    She began to carefully apply her make up. No one must know, no one must suspect.

    Pinup burlesque boudoir gamour

    She was a highly trained operative in her majesties Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6 for short. She had a very special mission. Assassinate Lao She, a Shanghai crime lord and steal a talisman sacred to a book called the Necronomicon. Her name was Dr. Tittyana Jones.

    Side profile retro pinup model

    She had never heard about the book and couldn’t care less about the talisman. But orders were orders.  She finished getting dressed. The first tinglings of the blotter began to creep on the edges of her consciousness.

    B&W classic noir pinup burlesque erotic boudoir

    She walked out of her room and toward the ships ballroom. Along the way she passed her silent partner, “short round”. He was a boy she had saved from starvation in Hong Kong. She entered the ballroom, spotted Lao and sat down.

    Sexy elevator

    Lao’s face swam, the blotter was in full effect. “Hello Dr. Jones, did you bring the idol Nurhachi?” Not only did she have the small statue, but she had inserted a small explosive charge inside of it. She placed the statue on the table. Lao picked it up and marveled at its beauty. “The talisman Lao, give it to me.” He placed a black box on the table. She opened it up.

    Sexy retro model pose

    The talisman lay inside, shining silver. It seemed to glow. She reached down to pick it up, fingers grasping the metal. An electric shock. Visions. Red sky cracking in half. A tentacle rising from the depth. An inhuman voice chanting….Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn. The whisperer in darkness had returned. She didn’t know if it was real or the effect of the blotter. A sweat had broken out on her for-head and she began to feel sick.

    Retro evil succubus demon

    She looked up. Lao and his man were laughing at her. He was holding up a vial of blue liquid. “Whats that?” She asked. “Poison for the antidote you just drank Dr. Jones! Return the talisman and i’ll give it to you.” Instead of giving up the talisman she stuck a knife in the nearest of his guards. The commotion knocked the antidote out of his hands and she raced to retrieve it. Gunfire erupted and the club became pandemonium. At last she jumped out the window and fell down three floors onto a canopy and bounced into her car drove by short round. They quickly sped off towards the airport, talisman in hand.

    Classic retro B&W film noir

    After high speed chases and a shoot out they arrived. Boarding the plane she turned around to see Lao exit his car. The blotter had twisted her face half mad. She smiled at him and shut the door. The plane took off, next stop, Calcutta.

    The eye of the beholder

    She had came off the blotter during the ride, sleep overtook her and short round both. Unknown to her the pilots were in the employ of Lao She. They had been waiting for this opportunity and took the only two parachutes along with emptying the fuel tanks. They jumped from the plane and left them to their fate.

    Sexy retro glamour portrait

    She woke up in a start. Something was wrong. The pilot cabin was open and no one was inside. She immediately knew what had happened, it looks like Lao She was going to have the last word after all…or would he?

    To be continued…

    Sexy retro pinup pose

    That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on 500PX, and Model Mayhem!

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      Fitness Boudoir Armageddon

      Written on February 20, 2014 Categories: San Diego Boudoir

      Fitness Boudoir Armageddon

      Sexy fitness beauty

      If Jessica seems familiar to you, thats because i’ve shot with her before. She came booked by Janeiro, who runs a model agency here in San Diego.

      Sexy fitness shoulder press

      Like many models Jessica is way into fitness. We had spoke at length about doing a fitness shoot. The only problem was trying to sneak into the gym with cameras.

      Sexy in shape fitness model

      The only problem was that I hadn’t done a fitness shoot in about five years. In fact the only fitness shoot I had ever done is back when I was still married with a now semi-famous model named Jen.

      Fitness leg day

      Even then I only took one or two shots. My ex, who was and is still an amazing photographer took most of the shots. I was mainly only involved in the edit process.

      Sexy fitness boudoir model pose

      I puzzled over what type of lighting to use with the shoot. The gym we were going to use was quite small so it limited my choices. We used a medium Paul C. Buff soft box in the last shoot. So I automatically dismissed using it this time.  I wanted to do something a bit different.

      Treadmill boudoir

      I’ve been shooting a lot of moody lit portraits lately, and I finally decided to shoot this in a similar manner. I picked out a small photoflex half dome and set out to see what could be done.

      Glamour boudoir photography

      I attached the halfdome to my trusty alienbee B800 and powered by my Vagabond Mini Lithium I was ready for war.

      Dumbbell boudoir glamour

      Unfortunately when we arrived to the small gym it was packed. You ever watch one of those old western movies? Ya know when a guy walks in a bar and conversation stops, the piano player quits playing and everyone stares? Ya that’s how this was. Awkward.

      B&W classic boudoir

      Awesomely sexy fitness boudoir

      In the end I liked how the shoot came out. I got some great ideas on how i’d like to shoot one of these types of shoots in the future. If you’re into fitness and interested in shooting with me send me a note!

      Classic B&W fitness shoot

      That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on 500PX, and Model Mayhem!

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        Bikini Metal Jacket

        Written on February 16, 2014 Categories: San Diego Boudoir

        Bikini Metal Jacket

        NPC Bikini competitor

        A man in a funny hat came running on the bus. He was screaming at the top of his lungs and people were moving fast. “Get your fucking asses out on my yellow foot prints, MOVE BITCHES!!”

        Sexy bikini portrait Oni Studio

        She regretted her decision to make this move. She wondered not for the first time, if maybe operating a meth lab in Mississippi wasn’t the better career choice. At least when she was doing that no one was screaming.

        Sexy USMC Lingerie NPC bikini killer

        Of course a Mississippi meth lab dealer had a terrible retirement plan. Maybe this Marine Corps thing would get better. She ran out of the bus and stood on the yellow foot prints. It seemed the man in the funny hat had brought friends. Their was so much yelling, and no one seemed to do anything right.

        Red sexy bikini lingerie

        They finally were ushered into a barracks and were allowed to sleep. It seemed like she was asleep for fifteen minutes when the man in the funny hat came in screaming and beating a trash can. “Wake up bitches!!” The man noticed her. Fuck. “Well what do we have here?! Where you from private?” “Sir the private is from Mississippi sir!” The man just stared, then punched her straight in the boobs. She collapsed on the floor. Apparently the man didn’t like people from Mississippi.

        Sexy bikini B&W

        13 weeks later she had graduated. It had been tough and she had received orders to a run of the mill administrative unit based in Santa Carla, CA.

        Bikini dressed to kill

        Wait a minute, she read her orders again. Santa Carla?! She had never been out of Mississippi, and now Santa Carla? Wait a minute, where the hell is Santa Carla anyway? California. She boarded the plane and four hours later she was in Santa Carla, taking a cab to base. She passed a “welcome to Santa Carla” sign, and ominously spray painted on the back, “Santa Carla, murder capitol of the world”. Ya, this was gonna be interesting.

        Shadow lace bikini lingerie

        The people in her unit were pretty nice, but very odd. They were all into vampire comics. They insisted she read them. Even more weird, they insisted these comics would “save her life” here in Santa Carla. Since she wanted to fit in she took a look at them. Pretty gory stuff, and this is for nerds. She was more interested in becoming an NPC bikini competitor, not a comic book collecting nerd.

        Sexy vampire bikini portrait

        The weekend finally came. Luckily she didn’t have to work, so she went down to the boardwalk. Their were people everywhere, mostly seeing a band that had some muscly steroid guy playing a saxophone.  She saw a group of people riding bikes similar to hers.  The leader of the group David, asked her to race them on the beach. He was dressed in black leather and looked like Kiefer Sutherland. Yes, this was gonna be fun.

        Sexy bikini mystery shot

        The race was on. It was dark, the sand kicked up in her eyes. The race ended, they came to a stop at the mouth of a huge cave. Apparently it was their hang out. It was odd, and they were probably serial killers, but she didn’t have anything else going on that night, so why not!  Everyone was drinking from a huge old jeweled bottle that looked like it contained red wine.

        Sexy bikini pinup

        The bottle was passed around. It finally got to her and everyone got quite. One of the girls looked at her pleadingly. Don’t drink it Lyla…its blood. She laughed…then took a long drink.

        To be continued…

        Sexy bikini red lingerie

        That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on 500PX, and Model Mayhem!

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