Articles tagged ‘Petra herrmann’

Arwen Bikini Boudoir

Written on December 10, 2014 Categories: San Diego Boudoir

Arwen Bikini Boudoir

Arwen Bikini model


I remember the first time I ever saw Jenn. Although I didn’t know her name then. She was in the base gym in Whidbey Island, Washington. She had short black hair and a face full of piercings. I was confused, she was too old to be an officers kid.

Arwen bum bum

Was she married to a military guy? That was probably it. She always reminded me of the elf Arwen out of Tolkiens “lord of the Rings” trilogy. Which for some odd reason I should be a fan of, but I never got into it. Personally I was always more into Frank Herbert’s “Dune“.

Lingerie Arwen

Now Jenn didn’t look like Arwen out of the movie. She just reminded of what Arwen from the books might have looked like. Anyway, that’s enough about Arwen and Tolkien.

Boudoir dark fantasy

Now when I first saw Jenn this had to be back in 2007 or 2008. Oni Studio had just started out, and in fact we had only done one or two photoshoots. I wasn’t single then and Oni Studio was a brain child of the two of us.

Hells lingerie

Whidbey Island was beautiful, but it didn’t offer much in the way entertainment. Especially to a married guy and girl used to a much bigger city. We racked our brains for a hobby that we could do indoors during the long winter months.

Snow cold sexy lingerie

I think that’s how Oni Studio was born. Much like Dimmu Borgir, in the cold waste. Jenn was one of the first “high profile” models we ever shot. The first shoot we did with her garnered a lot of attention leading to quite a few paid shoots. The second shoot we did with her, set in a local gym lead to getting one of our first magazine publications.

Jenn having fun being silly

This shoot with Jenn continues on with the natural light techniques that I began with Chary last week.

Sexy silk stockings

I’m glad Petra Herrmann’s work inspired me to try out some natural light work. However I don’t know if I’ll do much of it in the future. I have found a few things I’m not too happy with. The biggest thing is the lack of sharpness. True, I could shoot on a higher ISO, and I did bump it up a bit. It’s a pet peeve of mine to shoot on high ISO though. I also used my Manfrotto tripod, which makes shooting a bit slow.

Sexy boudoir Arwen

With the Alienbees and Photoflex you get complete control of the light. Sharpness is almost never a problem either. I’m planning on getting a Photoflex background stand soon, so be expecting some great new material!

What?! Bootie!

That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on 500PX, Pinterest, and Model Mayhem!

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