Articles tagged ‘Petra Hermann’

Vampire Goddess

Written on December 4, 2014 Categories: San Diego Boudoir

Vampire Goddess

Vampire goddess boudoir pose

For as long as I can remember I’ve had a thing with vampires. I think my first vampire film was “Lost Boys” and to this day it’s still one of my favorites.

Boudoir pinup vampire

I think the vampire genre took a huge hit with Interview with a Vampire. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse Twilight turned one of my childhood heroes into a sparkling atrocity more geared for female fifth graders than a serious lurking horror for all of humanity.

Vampire black dress sexy heels

Why am I talking about vampires?

Gorgeous vampire boudoir goddess

Because the star of this entry, Chary, was the embodiment of the perfect vampire. She was old world, poised and strangely, had one of the most alluring mysterious scents about her. She was like an other worldly ethereal creature. At the risk of making myself seem creepy, I could smell her two hours after she left. I have no other way to describe the experience other than wonderful!

Beautifully sexy eyes

Speaking of wonderful, if you’re a lady looking for some great Pinup inspired outfits, check out Pinup Culture in Escondido, CA!

B&W boudoir

I woke up one early Sunday morning and saw a post on my Facebook newsfeed from fellow photographer Neil Van Niekerk who had written his own entry on a Boudoir photographer by the name of Petra Herrmann.

Gorgeous vampire boudoir

Petra recently was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Neil was showcasing her photography not only to promote her, but to let people know about the gofundme campaign. Which would help her with her medical bills.

Sexy Lingerie

The entry itself highlighted five of the top selling images Petra takes and how to take your own.

Classic portrait

I decided to take Petra up on this challenge and put an ad out on Facebook.

Va va VOOM!

If you click on the link to Petra’s work you’ll be able to compare and contrast the images Chary and I shot.

Come over and see me sometime

Did you all know Chary likes Cannibal Corpse?

Nightmare on Elm Street

Now I usually work exclusively with Alienbee strobes and Photoflex modifiers. This was one of the few shoots I’ve done in a long time that relied on natural light.

Death and her embrace

That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on 500PX, and Model Mayhem!

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