Articles for ‘San Diego Boudoir’

Boudoir Beelzebub and Baphomet

Written on August 23, 2013 Categories: San Diego Boudoir

Boudoir, Beelzebub and Baphomet

Classic B&W boudoir shot in San Diego

One of my most favorite things about boudoir photography is getting to meet interesting people. Sometimes though a person comes along, that has a bit of something extra. No, I’m not talking about a chick with a dick, but good old fashioned evil. She may even be a member of the Temple of Set, but she claims to not be.

The many sexy faces of Ivonne on her boudoir shoot in San Diego

Saaaay what?? Yeah you heard me right, the model, Ivonne is straight up evil. Of course I didn’t know this at first. I thought she’d show up, and we would have a sexy, yet normal boudoir shoot. But first let’s go back in time. We met on a Sunday, and after being fashionably late she shows up riding this dented up, mean looking motorcycle.

Sexy and Stephen Hawking books? Only at Oni Studio!

The woman looked like she just walked off the set to the Road Warrior! Black leather jacket, mean helmet, she also kicked a baby and an old man who were standing by her bike. In other words she was just precious! She walks up to me, and I swear the first thing she says to me is, “hail Satan lets shoot” and then she punched some dude straight in the dick.

Classy and sexy silhouette at Oni Studio in San Diego

Of course all of the above may or may not be true, it just depends on your point of view. What did happen though is that after Ivonne came up and emptied her bag she asked me a question. Well first she pulled out a sweatshirt, and said, “I dont know if you’d want to shoot this but…” I looked over and saw a huge Bapomet on the shirt. Of course i’m gonna shoot that!

Ivonne sporting the Baphomet sweatshirt from Infidel Clothing at her boudoir shoot in San Diego, California.

The other cool thing is that Ivonne had some personality. She ate my food, drank my beer and watched my horror movies. All the while laughing like a maniac and making cryptic comments that she had family members who might just make me disappear if they were so inclined. This girl was so gonna be my bestie!

Ivonne sporting some sexy lingerie at Oni Studio in San Diego

Ivonne hasn’t been modeling long, but as you can see she takes to boudoir quite naturally.

Nothing sexer than Stephen Hawking, Quantum Physics and black bootie shorts!

Can you believe she said that her butt was her least favorite feature?!

Sexy one minute, clowning the next at her boudoir shoot at Oni Studio.

Check out that purple lingerie! For some reason I have become obsessed with the color.

Sexy pose ideas at Oni Studio, San Diego boudoir Photography

That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on Pinterest and Model Mayhem!

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    BoudoirBoobs and Body Paint

    Sexy boudoir head dress and body paint photography in San Diego

    You all remember Caro right? She’s the one who came over the other day and made for a great boudoir blog entry.

    Sexy girl on fire San Diego boudoir photography

    Caro calls me up and asked if I’m down for a lesbian orgy a photo shoot. I say, “well hells yes!” and she invites me down to her San Ysidro home for what I think will be an interesting time. She tells me she has one of her many hot girlfriends over, and that she’s gonna get her naked, and then paint her. I tell her that the Oni Studio boudoir blog will be covering the event. When I arrive on Saturday morning I see the most mild mannered unassuming ladies on the planet, and i’m told she’s going to be the model. This was the girl:

    Sexy quiet librarian lady being photographed boudoir in San Diego

    Caro didn’t waste much time, after making sure I was sufficiently fed with Mexican friend beans, she set to work,  take a look at the transformation from innocent librarian to sexy Satanica.

    Getting ready with the sexy boudoir body paint in San Diego.

    the last stages of sexy boudoir body paint in San Diego, California

    Caro did this body paint and make up job in record time. She’s a student over at the Art Institute of San Diego, and from what I can see they train their students pretty good. While Caro was busy I was able to flirt talk with the model.

    Caro being busy with her boudoir body painting and make up equipment in San Diego.

    Susan was her name, and she had been painted a few times before, but usually got to wear more clothes. She said being half naked around strangers didn’t make her nervous, but that it was just a new experience. It was pretty amazing to see her transform not only physically, but mentally once all the make up was done, take a look at the contrast!

    The contrast in the body paint make up and the innocent librarian look

    Ladies and gentleman if you are a photographer in the San Diego area you seriously need to hook up with Caro. Her make up and body paint skills are impressive, and she even makes custom outfits! If you’re on model mayhem you can see her page here, or become a fan on her facebook page here. I’ll leave you all with a few more impressive shots of Susan the model showing Caro’s work. Oh, I almost forgot, Caro can also model, if you haven’t seen it yet, come take a look at her strutting her stuff.

    The Devil wears Prada at Oni Studio in San Diego

    Seduction and lace in San Diego

    When you leave the front door unlocked in San Diego sexy she devils come and steal your cake.

    Blue skies and sexy ladies in San Diego

    That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on Pinterest and Model Mayhem!

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      Boudoir, bikinis and assassins

      The sexy Estonian model strikes an awesome boudoir pose in the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego

      Alright ladies and gentleman, you all ever watch movies from the 80’s? Okay, now in these movies there is almost always the same scene. It could be at a school, mall, or mental home parking lot. But a car pulls up, and this chick gets out. When she does everything turns slow motion. The reason why Newtonian physics gets defied is that the girl is hot.

      Kadi and her winning model smile. Lit with Paul C Buff White beauty dish.

      Not just hot, but slow motion boudoir hot. Joggers run into street poles, cars run fire hydrants, and babies begin to levitate.

      Carmen Kass lookalike, image lit with white Paul C Buff beauty dish in the Mission Valley area of San Diego

      That’s kinda how Kadi was. She gets out of her car, time slows, people wreck. Thanks a lot Kadi, now you’ve ruined everyone’s weekend with your hotness.

      Edited with NIK HDR effects, kadi strikes a sexy model pose in the mission Valley area of San Diego.

      Kadi introduces herself, and would ya believe it, she has a damn accent. Once again, my mind goes back to the 1980’s. I quickly scan her hands to make sure she doesn’t have a poison tipped dagger. I don’t see a blow gun or dagger, but I see something on her keychain that catches my attention.

      Sexy classic B&W of Kadi in a black bikini, shot with alienbees in the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego.

      It’s a red strip that says “fly girl”. It strikes me as unusual so I ask her about it. About as nonchalant as you could possibly get, she replies, “ya, I’m a pilot”. After some discussion I learn Kadi had a humble beginning as a flight attendant. She didn’t want to serve drinks forever, and thought “well if those guys can fly the plane, why can’t I?”

      Kadi lounges by the pool. Image lit with alienbees and taken in the Mission Valley area of San Diego.

      It turns out that Kadi, is originally from Estonia. Never heard of Estonia? It’s one of the three countries that are known as the Baltic States. They also have what is considered one of the hardest languages in the world to learn. Finally it’s the home of the world famous model Carmen Kass.

      Kadi owns this sexy boudoir pose! Image lit with Paul C Buff white beauty dish, taken in the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego.

      This wasn’t strictly boudoir, but more of a test shoot. Basically a meet and greet with a camera. These meet and greets are handy for both photographer and model. It basically assures the model that I’m not gonna put them in a pit and tell them to put the lotion on the skin or they get the hose again; and it assures me they aren’t an alien bent on the destruction of the human race.

      Kadi takes a dip in the salt water pool in the Kearny Mesa area of San diego.

      Really though, this was a great excuse to try out the new Alienbee equipment I got in. I ordered the white Alienbee beauty dish with diffusion sock and I was dying to see how it would do. I used it along with available light, shot in manual mode, and basically kept it at around F16. You can judge for yourself how the shots came out.

      Various sexy boudoir poses. Images lit with alienbees Pual C Buff White beauty dish.

      That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio boudoir  facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on Pinterest and Model Mayhem!

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        Boudoir, babes and blackholes

        Written on July 13, 2013 Categories: San Diego Boudoir

        Boudoir, babes and black holes

        Cara posing in a sexy pink corset in mission Valley San Diego

        So I’m in San Diego now. Its hot, its crowded, and people love it here. Why do they love it? It’s the weather they say. 75 degrees year round, to me it might as well be hell on earth, or another tour in the Middle East. I’m sure i’ll get used to it though, but I got to get that elusive beach body first. Tony Horton help me!!

        Sexy boudoir pose in the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego

        So far finding people to shoot boudoir with here in San Diego has been a little bit different as well. In Washington it was much simpler, but here most of the models seem to want money. This isn’t so bad, but some of these girls are just starting out.

        Pearl necklaces and sexy pink lingerie in the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego.

        They have self-made pics of them blowing kisses in the mirror, and you can just tell they are gonna end up in porn one day. Well hey….I love porn! Well not really, but my neighbors do, at least that’s what it sounds like from my lvingroom.

        Sexy model pose on the stairs in the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego

        Anyway, on to the boudoir shoot. The shining boudoir hotness you’re looking at is called…Mexychik. Apparently she thinks she is Mexican. On a serious note, her name is Carolina, she is a fellow artist here in San Diego.

        Thinking naughty thoughts in pink lingerie. Balcony in the Kearny Mesa area of San Diego.

        She is in school for fashion design and does body painting on the side. What’s that?! Yeah, she gets hot girls naked and then paints them. If you think the sounds like elements of a porn film you’re right! That’s why she is so effin kewl. I even let her wash my dishes she was so cool.

        Sexiest black and white boudoir picture ever! Set in the Mission Valley area of San Diego.

        So that’s about all for now folks. I’ve got some projects in mind, but all my money has had to go for buying crap for my place. When I got here I had a bed and two bookshelves. I’ve been trying to keep myself busy by meeting available hot strangers, but I’m not very good at it.

        Sexy model pose on a tempurpedic. Shot taken in the Mission Valley area of San Diego, California.

        Apparently though I am an expert at getting stomped on from Oregon environmental science girls. By that I mean it’s like you’re dreamin about gorgonzola cheese when it’s clearly Brie time baby!

        That’s all for this week! Become a fan on the Oni Studio facebook page. Follow Oni Studio on Pinterest and Model Mayhem!

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